When Kevin Federline dropped the first fruits of his rapping career in November, he said Y’All Ain’t Ready. In which case, we’re not sure anyone will ever be ready for Kevin Federline’s new album.
Despite Y’All Ain’t Ready being greeted with universal taunting – and first single proper PopoZao getting about as much radioplay as the collected speeches of Hitler: The Angry Years – Kevin Federline isn’t going to give up – this summer will see the release of K-Fed’s debut album, entitled Playing With Fire. We can’t wait. Seriously.
When it was first announced that Britney Spears’ (CDs) husband Kevin Federline was to start a rap career,
people expected the finished product to be bad. Y’All Ain’t Ready kind
of confirmed this, slagging off Pavarotti and asking us to call him
"Daddy," and the nearest thing to promotion that PopoZao got was a spam
email we were sent called PopoZao: Pen1s Enlargement Pills.
Now, despite admitting that everyone will hate his music,
Kevin Federline is preparing his first album – Playing With Fire – for
a summer release. Kevin doesn’t have a record contract yet which,
considering his wife is part-time Hindu, oddly-dressed, sex-tape denying bad driver Britney Spears, is really quite something. Still, that isn’t going to stop Kevin Federline talking up Playing With Fire:
album is sure to set the dance floors across the world on fire! The
inspiration and meaning behind the title Playing With Fire is
self-explanitary… I’m excited about this album and am looking forward
to continuing my support of it and seeing the first-hand reaction of my
fans listening to my songs for the first time."
right – Kevin Federline is going on tour. Except this won’t be a
traditional tour with actual performances and whatnot; what K-Fed means
is that he’s going to go to some discos and give his records to some
DJs. Woo!
Best of all, though, is the sneaky peek of Playing With Fire that
Kevin Federline has left on his MySpace page. Visitors – and you really
should visit – are greeted with a track called For Real, where Kevin
Federline tries to explain his situation to all the sympathetic
listeners, telling them "I love my wife," before suddenly turning nasty,
threatening to shoot the paparazzi with his glock, calling everyone "shit
crumble," and telling them that their shit is fake before ending things by shouting "Fuck
the media," at the top of his voice. It’s worth a listen – it’s the
closest thing we’ve ever heard to a man having a nervous breakdown.
Playing With Fire by Kevin Federline will be released in the summer. And everyone should buy a copy – we’re taking those stripper threats seriously, you know.
Read more:
K-Fed "Playing with Fire" – E! Online
[story by Stuart Heritage]