10. Ever wondered what the girls of Babestation talk about to callers? You wouldn’t believe how mind-numbingly dull it is – Zactly
9. Chances are, you’ve seen Masterchef going all rave… but if you haven’t…
8. American news reporter seen smoking while covering a story about a massive fire. – HE DID IT
7. Fantastic look at the idiotic dribblings that professional footballers do on twitter. Titus Bramble’s ‘Thought For The Day’ is particularly spectacular. – Thick
6. Woman wakes up at own funeral. Dies again with shock. – Coffin
5. What happens when you set up a fake Facebook page with the mother of Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s secret love child? You might be surprised. – HastaLaVistaBaby
4. Brilliant advert for slacks. The best you’ll see all day! – HeadsUp
3. What’s all this about Christina Hendricks and swimsuits then? – PoppingOut
2. Ever wondered what a tube of toothpaste looks like when you hack it in two? – OhISee
1. Absolutely amazing local newspaper headline involving a pork chop. – Choke
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