Now that Mission: Impossible III is just weeks away, every movement that Tom Cruise makes will be reported and scrutinised by the whole world. Maybe someone should tell him, we don’t think he’s noticed.
Because – although Tom Cruise jumping around on a chair recently can be written off as a knowing, jokey reprise of his most embarrassing moment – Tom Cruise ordering giant posters to be erected in his mansion instructing Katie Holmes to remain completely still and silent throughout her imminent childbirth might been seen as being slightly less endearing.
It’s become fashionable lately to bash Scientology – let’s face it,
anything that annoys Tom Cruise (DVDs), John Travolta and Kirstie Alley in one
sweep is a freaking bargain – what with the recent Issac Hayes / South Park
affair. And, if the news of what chair-leaping Tom Cruise has put up all over his
house is true, the Scientology baiting looks set to continue a little
bit longer.
Katie Holmes is pregnant. That’s good news for Tom Cruise, who can exercise all his impulse sonogram fetishes while rubbing Katie’s baby bump in order to promote his new films, but not such good news for Katie Holmes.
As a newly paid-up Scientologist, Katie Holmes must follow the
Scientology rules. And one of those rules is that she – and all
birthing staff – must remain absolutely silent throughout childbirth.
Most people assumed that this was just a vague rule, and that it would
be mostly ignored while Katie popped her baby out, but it looks like
Tom Cruise was a little more serious about this rule than we imagined.
According to reports, sets of six-foot tall ‘birthing boards’ were
recently delivered to the home of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes,
reminding Katie just how silent she has to stay as she delivers the
baby. One of these giant posters is said to read:
"Be silent and make all physical movements slow and understandable."
At least, we think they were birthing boards. Another, more logical, explanation is that Tom Cruise had them made to remind himself not to act like such a tit while he’s promoting films.
Read more:
[story by Stuart Heritage]
terri says
How bout an experiment…May help me understand more…
I kick Tom Cruise in the hard as I can…and if he remains perfectly still and quiet… then we should have a little more compassion of what he expects from Katie…
Kate says
Want to borrow my brother’s steel-toed boots? I’ll get them to you ASAP.
Kim says
How ’bout this Tom…pull your bottom lip over your head and see how “slow and understanding” your movements be…
Katie, have your baby, then takes what’s left of your money and run for the hills…the guy’s a wing-nut.
Julia says
Ok Terri, that is very funny. I almost choked on a peanut when I read your post.
jeff says
chars says
what is an “understandable motion”??
BWM says
Katie might want to roll it out to Ben’s list for a distraction from Tom’s crazy ways.
ED says
Sounds like Scientology is off th wall. Now I know why Nicole Kidman left this jerk in the dust.
Missi says
I have an even better idea. Let’s take Tom’s left nut, wrap it around head to his right ear, his right nut and wrap it around his head to his left ear. Maybe we’ll get lucky and it would form a makeshift noose and choke the living s*!t out of him!!
JD B. says
Tom knows all about women….remember? Why he has all the latest on our periods, post natal depression and hormones. So of course he is an expert in childbirth. Big as his head is that kid coming out of little Katie….like pulling a roast beef through a Pringle’s can my friends. Ouch. And I meant that loudly!!!!!!!!
Marti Cly says
WHEN DID GOD DIE AND MAKE ALL THESE OTHER PEOPLE HIS REPLACEMENT. Let’s not be so fast to judge Tom and Katie. People are always ready to critize and spit out venom about things they do not know. Well, all religions have their little tics!!! As far as condemning Tom and Katie let them live their own life the way they want. I gave birth to two sons, NATURAL CHILDBIRTH, and even at that it hurt like crazy. I do not think they mean she has to be totally quiet, just not a lot of screaming and carring on. I agree with them on that subject. Some women do get carried away because they want the attention. Now to all the Tom and Katie bashers out there, YOU NEED TO BUY A DOG NAME IT LIFE AND THEN YOU WILL HAVE ONE!!!!!!!
MC says
Marti: No, they do mean totally quiet. She’s not supposed to so much as groan. There’s no talking allowed around the baby for the first week, either. And the kid is supposed to be bathed, wrapped in blankets, and *left alone* for a day or so. Talk about giving the kid trust issues.
julee says
One question.Did Tom stay totally quiet during intercourse to make this baby?I think not.So go ahead Katie SCREAM WAY
Jacques says
Ummm… you’re assuming that Tom and Katie had intercourse in the first place.
Rebecca says
Found this on a scientology web site…
Having a quiet, gentle birth is all about providing the best possible environment for the birthing mother and her new baby.
It is labor and delivery done in a calm and loving environment and with no-spoken words by everyone attending as much as possible. Chatty doctors and nurses, shouts to “PUSH, PUSH” and loud or laughing remarks to “encourage” are the types of things that are meant to be avoided.
As L. Ron Hubbard, Founder of Dianetics and Scientology, wrote, “Everyone must learn to say nothing within the expectant mother’s hearing during labor and delivery.” And, “A woman who wants her child to have the best possible chance will find a doctor who will agree to keep quiet especially during the delivery, and who will insist upon silence being maintained in the hospital delivery room as far as it is humanly possible.”
Livi,Monica,and Kerry says
We just hope that Katie has post partum so bad that she beats the scientology out of him.
Carrie says
Tom, I wish you would have the baby for Katie and see if you don’t make noise. I believe that is part of child birth it is supposed to hurt like hell, what else can we use as a guilt trip on our kids
Carole says
Hi there. I’ve been a Scientologist since 1974. I have also been a church staff member. So I totally know and understand this whole deal about silent births. And by the way, this doesn’t just apply to births. If you’re ever with a bunch of Scientologists and someone suddenly gets hurt — a child trips and falls or something, everyone instantly shuts up for a few minutes, till the person has recovered. Even our children learn to do it.
What the book DIANETICS is largely about is that when a person is suffering pain and some degree of unconsciousness, WORDS that are said around him or her are recorded by the person in a portion of the mind Hubbard calls the reactive mind. Later on, under certain conditions, these recordings can be “restimulated” and can act similar to hypnotic suggestions or commands and cause the individual to act in strange ways and have unwanted attitudes, emotions, sensations, or pains for no APPARENT reason.
So let’s say you’re a woman having a kidney operation — totally unconscious, and the doctors and nurses are talking and one says, “I’m so tired. I’m going home early today.” Another says, “This kidney must cause her lots of pain.” And another says, “She’s not breathing right.” Later on, when conditions somehow approximate the conditions of the operating room (sounds, smells, the person is tired, etc.,) unwanted things can turn on and be a problem thereafter. For instance, you will often feel “so tired” and decide to “go home early.” You will experience chronic kidney “pain” and “breathing” problems. Did you ever know of people to be a total wreck after an operation, illness, or accident and never seem to recover? This is why.
If you are then given a session in which Dianetics techniques are used to undo this, you will actually recall things that were said around you while you were unconscious (YES!!! It happens routinely!) and when you spot the source of the unwanted feelings, pains, etc., they will then vanish forever. I have applied these techniques to many people, including my children, and have had them applied to me. This is nothing mystical. It works 100% of the time when done correctly. Hubbard, in effect, discovered the single source of mental aberration (disorder) and psychosomatic illness. It works! That’s all there is to it.
Regarding childbirth, many organizations besides Scientology employ quiet natural childbirth. We just take it one step further. Of course Mom is going to have pain, and she’s going to moan and sometimes maybe scream. What we don’t want is lots of chatter around her. Scientologists know that in particular, it’s the WORDS that cause problems later — even for an infant. No one in their right mind would tell a mother in labor to keep still (as in not moving) or not to scream or moan. In fact, in natural childbirth, it’s best for the mother to walk around a bit during labor. But when the baby is being born, TALK should be kept to a minimum — only what is absolutely necessary.
I’ve given birth twice, and my God! The thought of lying STILL and not making a sound, well that’s virtually impossible! Leah Remini already cleared this up in an interview. She’s a Scientologist (star of “King of Queens”) who had a baby. The same rumors were going around then.
Hubbard’s discovery is one of the most important ever made. As more and more people learn to be quiet around someone who is very ill or in pain, the human race will become saner and healthier, and that can be proven by anyone who gets involved with Dianetics. Through Dianetics people routinely regain their eyesight, recover the ability to walk, become well and happy, and they become SANE. All the weird little oddities that plague them and bother their friends and family disappear.
The rumor about Tom putting those signs up is ridiculous. There’s no such thing as a “birthing board,” and we learn nothing about making our “movements slow and understandable.” What the hell does that mean when you’re having a baby??!!! The most important thing is for the father and the doctors and nurses to be silent. Furthermore, there are no “rules” that a Scientologist mother must follow. We learn things that make sense and we want to do them. No one enforces anything like that.
Billy says
“Did you ever know of people to be a total wreck after an operation, illness, or accident and never seem to recover? This is why.”
Yes because they were ill and that’s why they had the operation. What twaddle.
Sue says
Maybe it’s the whole cult like atmosphere that scares people. I mean what’s this mean…… “Only Katie and Tom, the Doc, and a few scientologist’s will be allowed in the delivery room”. A few scientologists? What are they note takers, or just takers?
christina says
its funny how tom cruise says drugs are not good, blah, blah, blah and and professes to be a psychiatry expert…wonder where he got his degree and practiced…yet kate holmes got an epidural. a drug….hmmmm
christina says
to say nothing for a week to your baby, not hold it, coddle it, coo….what kind of parent bonding is that. no wonder these people are dysfunctional. what is scientology raising, robots. Of course, I understand now. Everyone in hollywood is nuts anyway, why not join scientology…..its full of nuts.
Jo says
I watched a DVD i got free through the post last night called “Psychiatry: an industry of death”.
I’m always a little sceptical about things before I fully understand.
It was so obviously biased.
I knew it had to be produced by a group with particular beliefs.
It was interesting though.
I have just found out it was produced by Scientologists and have been reading about the ‘religion’.
I think Tom Cruise is way too controlling of Katie Holmes anyway, regardless of the Scientology thing.
It’s interesting that she decided to covert to Scientology.
What ever happened to people thinking for themselves? Ironic really.
Seems to me that they prey on the weak-minded and vulnerable.
jane says
ok half the stuff they said isnt true! u guys cant believe everything they say in these gossip articles. and do u really want people yelling at u when u r giving birth im sorry but it would be nice to be a little quiet,
katie can scream all she wants its the people around her who cant be screaming there head off.