Like everything from cultural imperialism to one specific type of muffin, The Office was a British idea copied by the Americans.
Both the British and American versions of The Office have been stormed the ratings, both the British and American versions of The Office have mined comedy from awkward and mundane situations and both the British and American versions of The Office have spawned movie stars, as seen in everything from Get Smart to Love, Actually to Pirates Of The Caribbean to that rubbishy George Clooney film about American football.
But which is better – the British Office or the American Office? It’s a debate that everyone has an opinion on but nobody has comprehensively won. And that’s why we’re here now. Using a complex scientific algorythm based on five categories, we’ve decided to find out which version of The Office is best. You may disagree with us if you like. Just know that if you do, you’re wrong…
The most important factor of The Office is the manager, whether it’s Britain’s David Brent or America’s Michael Scott, because the entire show hangs around their actions. Both are essentially the same character – awkward, overcompensatory show-offs without a shred of self-awareness – but, although Michael Scott has long since developed into a more rounded character, he’s never quite managed to capture the stupefying arrogance of David Brent.
UK: 1 – US: 0
UK –
US –
Tim and Dawn or Jim and Pam? Same syllables. Same longing looks. Same dowdy cuteness and unflattering haircuts. But, again, the difference between the British Office and the American Office is one of time. It was easy to string out Tim and Dawn’s unspoken office romance over the two short seasons of the BBC Office, ending the entire show with the flourish everyone craved. That wouldn’t work with Jim and Pam because there are just too many episodes of the NBC Office for it to stay fresh. That’s why we had to suffer through uncomfortably daytime soapish exchanges like the one above before they actually got together. And stayed together. And got a bit boring. Another point to the UK.
UK: 2 – US: 0
Keith’s appraisal
Here’s where the sheer amount of NBC Office episodes actually work. Although funny, the BBC Office supporting characters are never more than broad sketches, and most scenes they’re in all depend on reactions to or from Ricky Gervais for humour. Meanwhile, over on NBC, some of the best comedy writer-performers around have been cast to flesh out the parts and create a network that exists outside of Michael Scott’s involvement. It’s probably the American Office‘s greatest achievement, so it can claw back a point here.
UK:2 – US: 1
That’s what she said
A big one – what will each respective version of The Office be most fondly remembered for. The BBC’s Office, without question, has The Dance – a moment that won’t only be reenacted in pubs and playgrounds until the end of time, but will ensure that even if he cures cancer and wins the Nobel Prize, someone at the ceremony will yell “DO THE DANCE!” at Ricky Gervais. And he will do it. Meanwhile, NBC has “That’s what she said,” a smart, short, sophisticated line that anybody can drop into any conversation without looking too much like a copycat bellend. Plus people won’t think you’re a tit if you do it in public, which pushes it a million light years past The Dance.
UK: 2 – US: 2
The Office – Lady Suit
A contentious one, we know – it’s difficult enough to get people to agree on the funniest moments from any given episode of The Office regardless of which country it’s made, let alone the entirity of both shows combined. But screw it, this is our list and it’s scientific and if you don’t agree then you hate science. In the UK Office, Ricky Gervais grabs a serious moment and spins it into the stratosphere, while Steve Carrell’s scene is a masterpiece of escalation. But science tells us that Gervais shades it. You hear that, haters? SCIENCE.
UK: 3 – US: 2
So that’s it. Conclusive proof that the British version of The Office is slightly funnier than the American version of The Office. However, if we were doing a side-by-side comparison of British and American versions of Extras, America would have won. Even though there isn’t an American version of Extras. Basically we’re saying that Extras wasn’t particularly good.
Follow hecklerspray on Twitter says
i think the usa one is better. i also though the invention of lying was a bit crap.
outrageous goings on a boots
AW says
It would help us Brits who ain’t seen the US version if all the clips were viewable outside the US.
D says
understanding what the hell they are saying…..US 1 UK 0.
Joe says
Did you say “Extras” wasn’t any good? You just squashed the credibility of your article because Extras was very very funny.
Andy N says
If it’s 2-2 in the penultimate round, then the UK version just ‘shades’ it in the final, wouldn’t that make it 3-2 to the UK?
Plus, I don’t think you can argue that only the British supporting cast are broad sketches – the US version’s characters are so one-dimensional now: the sad, lonely one (Toby); the fat, stupid one (Kevin); the uptight Christian one (Angela), etc, etc.
Trev says
The shows cannot be compared except in name and location. I don’t think the US audience would be ready for the cushion biting embarrassment personified by Brent, it is, even as a Brit, often uncomfortable to watch because we know these people and sometimes, we are these people. It is not a flattering reflection. But it is brutal in its honesty.
The US version is a very sanitised, bog standard sit-com (line-gag-laugh, line-gag-laugh)lacking the balls of the UK version.
Both are enjoyable, but to compare them is an oranges and apples exercise.
jeffG says
Extras is Good. Funny on its own.
Jontam says
I’d agree with most of what this article had to say, except for the last bit about Extras. That show was as good as, if not better, than the office. The first episode with Ben Stiller is fucking hilarious, and beats any episode of the office UK or office USA hands down for laughs.
Jeremy says
Extras was brilliant and much better than any of the american Office shows after around season 4. seriously how can u suggest the Extras was not particularly good?
Salquenome says
I love the US Version, but for me the UK version is almost perfect in everything it is. I do like that the american workplace has gone past 2 seasons, but I think the British one works perfectly at 2 + christmas specials.
Good article. Right result
Matt says
You’re insane. Jim and Pam has had one of the best love stories I’ve seen on television in a long time.
I’m just saying, if the UK Office was so good, why isn’t it still on the air?
Davis says
This comparison is not complete without some look at Dwight and Jim’s banter. Dwight’s character is much more hilarious than the UK guy and he has the best one liners:
Jim: [dressed like Dwight] Question: What kind of bear is best?
Dwight: That
Dallas says
Heh… if longevity = quality I guess you would have to say “Friends” was better than the UK Office too. “The Office” is not on the air because its creators chose to end it, not because it “got cancelled”. You probably think “Three’s Company” was better than “Fawlty Towers” too.
drizzl says
A third season,
The best reason the USA one is better.
Adam says
I agree. Having seen the actual TV episodes, the composites shown really stripped a lot of the humor out of the episodes.
tayyabr says
i think the USA one is better…………..!!!!!!!!!!
Julias says
I like them both. Who cares which one’s better? I’m happy that both shows exist.
iguanapunk says
Bad mouthing Extras makes you look like you don’t know good comedy when you see it. Extras is brilliant and clever in so many ways, and then there’s the comedy on top of that.
Pepe Silvia says
British Office, definitely better.
I loved the American one for quite some time, but lately it’s becoming too Jim/Pam, and not about the awkward ridiculousness of working in an Office. It’s understandable that it would happen though. You can’t keep doing the same gags forever.
Which is why Gervais/Merchant were wise to cap it at two seasons.
Heatherfeather says
The US Office feels more like a sitcom-gone are the shots of the employees sitting at their desk-every joke is broader and bigger. People tend to be able to go to NYC on a whim or spend the whole day out of of the office with no real consequence. Also hosting elaborate Christmas parties complete with booze in the office? To me, the British Office was more like the boring daily work life with annoying workmates. And the last 5 minutes of Series 2 where Brent begs for his job back has to be the most emotional scene in both version and give a little insight into the real David. That pushes the UK version past the US.
Secondly, the love lives..It’s become more about Dwight/Angela/Andy and Jim and Pam rather than the Office. I used to like Jim/Pam but lately it’s snoozeville. I’m also finding the storylines are just not as funny as in earlier seasons.
However, the US version includes the secondary characters, which rounds out the cast nicely and more ethnically diverse plus the warehouse guys rock! And the Jim/Dwight pranks are much funnier than the Tim/Gareth ones.
All in all the US Office has gone on a bit too long, IMHO.
Extras -two words-Darren Lamb and Barry from Eastenders-best comedy duo:)
Steph says
The American version. The UK version is boring and I can’t understand half of what they say. I think it sounds pretty when a female speaks with a british accent but in my opinion, the british accent is too high-pitched for males and comes off as effeminate. Plus, Dwight on the US version is brilliantly hilarious.
Kamrein says
I think it depend which country you’re from. I think the US Office is way funnier, just cos I know US jokes more than UK ones.
Dawson says
I finally watched the UK version…well, part of it. It just wasn’t funny to me. Also, I couldn’t understand everything they said. Like Kamrein said, I think I’m just more used to American humor in when it comes to these shows. The US Office is probably my favorite show on tv.
Allison says
I’ve only seen two episodes of the uk one and they sucked. I fully disagree and I know I’m not wrong. I have plenty of research on the topic to back that up. In every comparison I’ve seen I know the USA wins. Best boss? Obviously Micheal. And Jim and Pam are so much better than dawn and Tim. Jim and Pam are prettier, not as depressed, and love each other more, plus they figured that out faster then Tim and dawn. And Dwight is better than this gerith person, no doubt about it. The best office is in the USA!
Allison says
I have to edmit the USA version, which Is still the best, mostly revolves around the now 6 main characters. But the supporting cast is hilarious when they do says something. But I have to agree with you about toby. The only thing funny about him is when Micheal is being mean to him.
Allison says
If your hiding the best love story off of those to videos, they don’t show you anything ad jim and Pam. They’re just show the least romantic pray of it becuase they know if they showed you the kiss the us would win. Plus they have plenty of romantic moments as ther relationship grew and developed, unlike the uk version
Allison says
I mean judging the best love story, not hiding. My iPhone does that
Allison says
My iPhone messes up what I type but u can figure it out. Oh and it’s really 9:50 pm here
Ross says
The last 10 minutes of the Office (UK) are just sensational. That video shows exactly why it is that little bit better than the US version (which is undeniably hilarious). The original displays characters and situations that actually exist in real life. It captures the mundane nature of working in an office. Because of this, the audience is able to identify emotionally with the characters on a completely different level, a level that is so rarely come across in TV or film. I really can’t fault it. Those 2 series and christmas specials flow from beginning to end perfectly.
“Chris, why don’t you fuck off”
Sends shivers down my spine every time.
Grey says
Ok, here’s my two cents:
I’ve seen every single episode of both Office series and Extras. IMO, The US Office is better than the UK Office. The real highlights of both series for me were the romance, the pranks, and the awkward moments with the boss. I think the US version wins out on all 3 of these.
The Jim/Pam romance was much deeper and more appealing than the Tim/Dawn almost romance. Jim and Pam’s characters were more fully realized throughout the series which is probably one of the main reasons for the appeal
The pranks Jim pulled on Dwight were funnier and more complicated than the kind of shallow pranks Tim and Dawn pulled on Gareth. This may also be influenced by the fact that the relationship between Jim and Dwight was deeper and more focused on since the US series is much longer, and also the fact that there were many more pranks and gags between Jim and Dwight than Tim and Gareth.
And last but not least: the bosses. The UK version is champion of awkward moments hands down. Sometimes David Brent’s awkward conversations and presentations were almost too much to bear, in fact… they were too much to bear. I understand that awkward situations can be really funny, but if all it took to make a funny scene was make it as awkward as possible, even I could be a writer. I gave this one to the US Office not because it is more awkward but because Michael Scott, in my opinion, was a better and more realized character than Brent.
Also Extras is fuckin hilarious, so I don’t think you know comedy at all. Extras was far funnier than the UK Office.
Hagan says
There is no way that the UK version is a better show! The US version has a much better romantic relationship between Jim and Pam than the UK version does between Tim and Dawn. Dwight is better than that nerd with the bowl haircut, and overall the US version of The Office is much funnier. The secondary characters in the US version make this show head over heels better than the UK version that only has 14 episodes.
DJC says
I suspect the debate coming from US/UK residents is always going to be a parochial one. I’m from Australia and from everyone I speak to there is no doubt that the UK version is better. Hands down. I love the US show, but it is aimed lower and is becoming a sitcom style. The original concept of David Brent and The Office is being transformed into a comedy about a group of people. The comparisons between various people does not work. The pranks that Jim plays on Dwight are particular to the US version. Tim played pranks on Gareth – but they weren’t coming from the same place.
Maybe subtitles would be better. Not being able to understand what people are saying is a cultural problem. English mother****** – can you speak it?
The UK office is perfect. The comparisons to Fawlty Towers are appropriate. Two seasons plus Christmas Specials left the series as a perfect package.
The US version was always going to have to be different. The US market (massive generalisation coming) don’t “get” the humour in the UK version. It has been dumbed down – but it had to be to be succesful.
There can be no doubt that the UK version is better. However you have to feel sorry for the US producers – you are comparing their product to one of the top few TV comedies of the past 30 years.
Guy says
I only agree with about half of this article. The biggest thing that stood out to me was that Tim and Dawn were over Jim and Pam. If you look online you can find videos and polls where people have said Jim and Pam should be added to the list of the best television couples of all time.
TEP says
How can you say that it is boring if you don
TEP says
I agree with you 100%, it
Ro says
I am from Argentina, and I also think the UK version is way better.
While I do love the pranks Jim plays on Dwight, most of them would be impossible to pull in a real office. And, as far as I know, the point of The Office was to portrait… Well, an office.
I think the US version is a watered down one, which is not necessarily a bad thing: cute characters, stories with happy endings on sight, perfect for the average viewer.
I really enjoy both versions, but the US one is not as good as the one from the UK.
Sam says
How about Tim and Gareth?
Gareth: If you’re so clever, what am I thinking now?
Tim: You’re thinking, “How can I kill a tiger armed only wth a biro?”
Gareth: No.
Tim: No? You’re thinking, “If I crash-landed in the jungle, will I be able to eat my own shoes?”
Gareth: No. And you can’t.
Tim: What are you thinking Gareth?
Gareth: I was just wondering… will there ever be a boy born who can swim faster than a shark?
Sam says
That’s because they’re based off of Tim and Dawn! There is nothing more heartbreaking than the scene where Tim turns off his mic to ask Dawn to stay in Slough, and he comes back and says to the mic, “She said no, by the way.”
How about the last ten or so minutes of part 2 of the Christmas special? She leaves, and you think it’s over. But then she gets his secret Santa gift, which shows her that he genuinely cares about her and her dreams, while her fiancee just doesn’t. In the last TWO minutes, just when you think it’s done and there’s no hope of them being together, she comes back and kisses him and says that she broke up with Lee. With Jim and Pam, it just seems way too dragged out, and now it’s just boring. Especially with the wedding and the baby, etc. I’m glad they left it as it was in the UK version.
Tim and Dawn have one of the most heart-wrenching romances in TV history. You were rooting for them the entire time.
Either way, I wasn’t aware that there was a list of the best television couples of all time. Is this supposed to be a set-in-stone list or something, and no one else’s opinions matter because those are the best television couples of all time?
Mia says
Ive also tried watching both and Ive found the US version to be way better. Im reading all these arguments about why the UK one is better and I dont get why they make it better. People are saying because the UK one is more real and the US one is more like a sitcom, how does that stand for an argument that its better. I also think its a cultural thing Amercians probably have a much different sense of humor than people from the UK, because humor wise US wins hands down no question about.
laura says
First of all: you don’t need to understand everything, seeing David Brent is enough.
Second of all: british accent is faaaar moooore nice than american, and I’m not british, I’m from Southamerica.
And third: I’ve seen both and as always, brits are more natural, you don’t even realise they are acting, and David Brent… just amazing!!!
deff says
THe British version just isnt as good…the timing on a lot of jokes is off and the acting is not too good, except for the boss character.
Obviously a brit put together this list and its really biased…
I personally like the American boss better than the Brit one, but the Brit one is good too, i could see that one swinging either way.
The supporting actors in the US version are better, without a doubt. the geeky character in the American version is SO much better than Garreth, he is hilarious, cocky, confident, and dumb in the US version, but jsut a little dweeb in the brit version. And im sorry but the receptionist can’t be ugly like she is in the brit version. Pams not hot, but its enough to look at her and jim and think they look good together.
And funniest moment is easily Toby’s return.
Course its only funny if youve seen michael’s unprovoked hatred of toby for no reason but I was dyin when I saw that.
abraXXious says
Sorry, for the US version of the office is merely a dumbed down (for yanks) sledgehammer, slap stick version of the UK masterpiece.
And Carrel is creepy as hell… :(
abraXXious says
You have to remember that most other english speaking nations – that is, England, Australia etc find it impossible to understand what the hell yanks are yabbering about, so for the rest of the english speaking world the “Understanding what they are talking about” score would be UK:1 / US:-1…
abraXXious says
So three months locked in a cupboard is better than one week in Hawaii?
abraXXious says
Effeminate? Weird, I always thought that yankie accents made American men sound like whining poofs. Must just be an opinion thing I guess.
abraXXious says
Here here, everyone I know thinks the US version is another “easy to flush” yankie of piece ….
Yanks always like anything yankie more than anything worthwhile…. but isnt that just part of the American way?
After watching the entire UK series (hilarious) and as much as I could stomach of the lame, sad and “by the numbers” butchered yankie effort… well its obvious which version I prefer.
abraXXious says
It is a cultural thing. The english have always been at the top of the game with comedies. Comedy is what they do best.
Yanks have never been as successful with comedy – yanks simply are not funny.
The UK The Office is high brow comedy, the US version is simply gag/laff simple humour for the simpler american tastes.
Paulo says
John says
I completely agree with Deff. That list of videos did not do the US version any justice at all. If you’ve watched it you’d know that those dont even come close to portraying how hilarious the show really is. Surely better clips could have been used. I’m in no position at all to choose which is better, as I’ve watched all the episodes of the US version, but only a couple from the UK one.
And to be honest after those few, I got unbelievably bored. Maybe its because I don’t really get most of UK humour, but I just didn’t find it amusing at all. It’s funny here and there, with a few clever quotes/pranks etc. But the US version, you will find something to laugh at throughout the whole show. Whether it’s silly faces, hilarious quotes, pranks, akward situations. And the good thing is it’s all unpredictable, and you will just find yourself bursting out with laughter. Not once with the UK version did i burst out with laughter.
I also think the way that they layout their jokes is very clever. The UK version will seem to just..put it out there if you know what I mean. But there’s no right answer here. We all have different tastes. People find both shows great to watch for different reasons. I’m not taking anything away from the UK version, it is just as, if not more successful and popular than the US version. And you have to remember that the US one is a spin off. So they had time to improve on the show etc..But in my opinion, you can never go wrong with the US version!
Paul says
I think both shows are pure genius. David Brent is hilarious but his character isn’t as complete as Michael Scott (I’d still call it a tie). Jim and Pam destroy Tim and Dawn. Although my personal fav is the American (Maybe that’s just my North American sense of humour) I respect the British avoidance of gags and one liners, it’s funny because it’s real.
The first time I saw the american office i loved it. The british one takes some warming up to but it’s brilliantly acted and written and thoroughly enjoyable. Plus the rawness of it would never fly on american networks.
Thesis: Both shows kick ass.
nard dog says
Make that 7 seasons in Hawaii
Harry says
As an unbiased Kiwi resident, UK one is funnier and better storyline. USA over do everything in there classic over exaggerated way. Winey accents just don’t have as good comedic impact for me.
Paul says
I watched most of the UK version episodes when they were shown on the Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim a few years ago.
I found them to be dry, dimly lit, slow paced, and not all that funny.
I really wanted to love the UK version, but just couldn’t. I usually enjoy UK movies and shows.
Maybe each version is just better suited for that country’s audience. I think that the US version is also “clever” as you are fond of describing the UK version.
I’m glad that the US version is already on the 7th season with no end in site. :)
Paul says
I am a massive fan of the US Office and watch every episode but anyone even suggesting it is as good as the original is either in denial or completely lacking in a sense of humour. The UK was groundbreaking stuff and it reflects badly on the US that this sort of show would do badly there.
The US Office, while very well written and acted, is just nowhere near in the same league as the original. David Brent is simply the best comedic character of all time. Some of the comments on here also seem to vastly underrate Gareth who was sheer genius.
The UK Office is infinitely more subtle and original than the US one but respect must be given to these two great shows. In a nutshell, the US version is a dumbed-down version which is why some prefer it which I guess is allowed. ;)
P.S. I will never hear a bad word said about Extras.
Sean says
Wouldn’t being a Kiwi tie you more to UK culture than American?
Nathan says
Considering there are more English speakers in America than England and Australia combined, your point sucks. In all the countries where English is not the first language, it does not matter, they have trouble understanding either of the dialects.
okan says
US dialect is much more easier to understand. It applies to people whose first language isn’t English, too. Being one of them I can assure you that. But I must admit, British English sounds way cooler than American English.
gaucho says
I cannot believe some people can even compare the two. The American version is pretty much like anything american – over the top, shallow and predictable. The UK version however is in a league of its own. Its REAL, something American shows have never been nor will ever be. The only people who like the US version better are stupid, brainwashed yanks, I am sorry to say that, but it is true.
charlie says
The wonderful grammar of the above comment with phrases like “much more easier” proving beyond doubt that “British English” (which is the only type of English) is far better
rich says
american office aint half boring, i love american films but your version of the office just murdered the masterpiece brit version hoorah
Nard Miss says
Ha ha The Brits are so arrogant. Everything they do has to be the best. The US office will be remembered long after the UK office is forgotten. Rumor also has it that Ricky Gervais will be replacing Steve Carrell in season 8, if the “butchered yankie effort” was so bad why would he join? ( The British are so pompous and assume what they do is the best but in all reality England is America’s lapdog. When we whistle you come running. There is no Hollywood is England, Australia, or Argentina.. You wonder why? These countries don’t produce enough talent. The likes of Kiera Knightley and Nicole Kidman move here for more opportunity.
Do the British understand the word pwned?
Nard Miss says
Kiwi? Lol Duh. You absolutely have a tie to the UK culture.
RICKY GERVAIS MAY BE THE NEW BOSS AT DUNDER MIFFLIN.. Even Ricky Gervais wants a piece of the US series. BOO YAH
AJC212 says
Do you people realize that Ricky Gervais is an executive producer and co writer of the American office? So if the shows seems dumbed down to you….who’s to blame? It astounds me how arrogant people can be when they hide behind a computer screen. Everyone on here either hates “Yanks” or “Brits”. Honestly people, grow up and stop being ignorant. Both shows are hilarious. Respect them both for what they are and stop trying to act as if one is truly better than the other or smarter than the other. Brits talk about “Yanks” as if they know every one of us individually. It’s a pathetic close minded attitude.
Triangleman says
Yeah I agree with AJC on this. People get caught up in the whole who is better than who argument. Both shows (and countries) are great for different reasons. Ricky Gervais knows this well. That’s why he owns a home in the US as well as the UK
Megawoman76 says
George says
Ahaha, good one, Paulo!
980119 says
I actually find the characters on the American version to be both more believable and more likable, and no I’m not from either of the two countries. Many UK shows are much funnier than anything on American TV, but to me The Office is not one of them. For UK workplace sitcoms, compare to “IT Crowd” which is far more imaginative and varied, and apparently popular enough to last much longer than the original “Office” in the UK market where sitcom runs are often shorter. “Black Books” is another show that’s also consistently much funnier (to me) than either “Office” version.
Veronica says
The British are of inflated egos and self involvement. The ego-centric David Brent is what they are drawn to. Clearly being so cold to the warm and butterfly causing love between Jim and Pam. Frankly David Brent sucks, not the person but the character. Jim and Pam are real people unlike Tim and Dawn. USA Office rules and if you think otherwise bite me =]
Veronica says
The British are of inflated egos and self involvement. The ego-centric David Brent is what they are drawn to. Clearly being so cold to the warm and butterfly causing love between Jim and Pam. Frankly David Brent sucks, not the person but the character. Jim and Pam are real people unlike Tim and Dawn. USA Office rules and if you think otherwise bite me.
Adam says
Completely agree that the US version destroys the UK version. I’ve seen the first two seasons of the UK version and have to FIGHT to stay awake, it is literally that boring — plus they’re dropping “F” bombs left and right and I find that quite immature also.
David says
I agree with this comment totally as a Brit I watch a considerable amount of US comedy and don’t laugh once. But my American mates hate British comedies like Fawlty Towers and Monty Python. It’s just a cultural thing and from a British perspective American comedy looks like it has been dumbed down but I think its just a different kind of humour. Most Americans don’t get British humour and vice-versa.
Dave says
I Don’t think that is very fair… I presume that you are from the US and so like the American sense of humour . As someone from England I feel that the US mostly uses physical comedy and gags or one liners to achieve comic effect whereas in the UK there is a more subtle ( Yet not always better) build up of comedy that expands through the work. You don’t get UK comedy just like I don’t get US comedy.
Ash says
“Subtlety” is exactly the word that came to my mind when I first saw the American version. As many have said, the UK version’s humour was more intelligent, the US series clearly being a dumbed-down incarnation. David Brent lacks tact but Michael Scott is portrayed as being an idiot to such an extent that he often comes across as borderline retarded. There’s the same thing with Gareth, uptight, egotistical but insecure and somewhat paranoid, versus Dwight, almost a megalomaniac with schizophrenic-like behaviour.
To be fair, though, I thought the UK version’s second season was nowhere near as good as its first, and the US version has the disadvantage of having to stretch out over a longer run.
ThirdEye says
It’s funny (no pun intended) how most of the comments on here give greater weight to the romance elements of the show (Jim and Pam/ Tim and Dawn) in a series that is primarily supposed to be about comedy. American style sitcoms tend to place greater emphasis on romantic relationships between characters to such a point that they often become selling points for long running series e.g. FRIENDS (Ross-Rachael). British style comedies revolve more around situations and don’t even require any romantic relationships among characters on screen. Both the US and UK versions employ different comedic styles and of course different styles are going to appeal to different audiences.
The point is that in focusing too much on the relationship aspect, which is merely a bonus, most have have overlooked that which is most essential to a show aimed at laughs.
BigHairyChest says
I sick of listening to these comments with statements the effect of UK humour was more intelligent and a masterpiece, the US series clearly being a dumbed-down incarnation. The US version is actually funny, exciting and uplifting.
I watch a comedy to be entertain to escape my everyday life. The UK version is not just different humor. It is a depression dark comedy. I’m watching the Christmas special as I write, I’m in a bad mood because of it. It basically failed at it’s job. I enjoy Ricky Gervais’ stand up, but from a comedy I expect a comedy. If I wanted drama, I will look for a drama.
Leggings&Skirts says
AbraXXious, you are so full of it.
The UK and US both have high brow comedy. There difference here lies in the audience. American audiences know what feels like to have an actual spontaneous belly laugh, and they expect their comedies to make it happen. If we wanted to feel smart and superior, go ha that was quite amusing, we would watch a Wes Anderson film.
Jon says
You seem to forget as do many that these shows are mockumentaries (mock documentaries), not dramas. While the US version has more comedy moments, the UK version is better styled as a mockumentary. The camera zooms and changes angles too quick in the US version to show the people’s reactions whereas the UK version encapsulates the reactions brilliantly. You’ve completely missed the whole point of the show by saying it “failed at it’s job” (incorrect grammar by the way). The reason why the US version is uplifiting and the UK version is darker is because it reflects their respective cultures. When was the last time anyone talked about “The British Dream”?
Pam says
Fully agree.. noone can beat Michael Scott, and there is no way Dwight could come second.. he is the most funniest in every way… US version wins, no doubt about it ever :)
horgin says
There have been a bunch of remakes in a bunch of different countries. He’s been given Producer and Writing credits for all of them.
Do you actually think that he is personally involved with each and every one of them?
Steve says
Yo Brit, obviously you don’t have a clue. Of course you are going to support the U.K. show YOU LIVE THERE! This poll should be taking from other countries so it’s some what unbiased. I truly believe the U.S. version is better it has just gone on too long. The U.S. tends to do that when they have something great. 2 and half men, mash….tons of shows. But realistically the U.S. version is not a little better, it’s A LOT better. You can’t really even understand some of the gibberish the U.K version spits out. The only one that is some what funny is the U.K.s office boss. Whatever the heck is name is.
Steve says
Jon you are out of touch with reality here. What Big is talking about is, the UK version is dark period. It’s not funny where you really LOL. It’s interesting and amusing at times but it’s just plain sluggish. It doesn’t make you feel good towards the end. Again you probably live in the U.K. so you won’t accept the U.S. version is much better.
Chris says
Just because the U.K. came out with the show first does not make it better. It’s hit or miss with remakes and the bottom line is the U.S. version is more colorful, funnier and more exciting. The U.K. version is dry, dark and cynical.
Vinny says
You keep believing that, you use way too many slang words! Australia does not agree with you on that buddy.
Jon says
Actually it is better lol.
Tom says
US comedy has to be blatant
Tom says
Nate says
1. This guy is clearly british, so of course he will choice the british office.
2. Jim and Pam clearly have a happily ever after. Tim and Dawn, while they have strong chemistry, remind me of two goths in love; because they seem depressed, even with each other.
3. While I believe that the American Office has lasted too long (should have stopped after season 5), the UK Office was to short, 14 episodes is not enough to fully appreciate The Office
4. The British Office derives most of its comedy from awkward situations, which I and many of my fellow americans do not find even remotely funny. The US Office has its fair share of awkward moments; but much of the comedy comes from what certain things characters say because of their personalities and there are alot of funny comebacks.
5. Supposedly Tim is constantly pranking Garreth, but most of the pranks take place in the first episode. Jim is constantly pranking Dwight throughout the series.
6. Jim is much more confident than Tim, making more opportunity for funnier antics.
7. Dawn bores the crap out of me, Pam has her funny moments.
8. The US version has a strong support cast, the British version has four characters with a ton of nameless people in the background.
9. The American is not dumbed down. Inflatable cock’s are about as dumb of comedy as you can get.
Abigail says
Fuck sake.
Lee says
It’s actually amazes me that people think the US office is better, come on get real.
UK Office was, is, and will always be a masterpiece…..just because it doesn’t run for 10 years and have hundreds of episodes, it’s perfect how it was. Ricky realises when to end something to keep it magic and everlasting, Americans just bang out sequel after sequel until it dies and nobody remembers what it was in the 1st place…..THE MATRIX :)
the US Office is definitely more slapstick and more digestible for their audience, as most Americans are just not smart enough to “get” that sort of comedy.
In comparison, US Office is sh*t – but it’s still a good watch and it is different and I find it funny.
Who came up with the idea anyway ???? exactly…
Have the US got Alan Partridge ? No and I’m glad about that … :)
LALA says
Okay, lameo, English is the British language. I’m sure you write colour the “American way”. It doesn’t matter about population. If the US want to use the English language (from a place called ENGLAND!) it means England made a great language. Don’t go around saying that the “American way” is the best if it’s not even “American”. Also, sure, to you YANKS the Brit one may be hard to understand (I AM American and I still write colour and favour) but Gervais is a MUCH better actor. Carrel is just goofy. The only thing that I like better from the US version is that the majority of the actors are better. Carrel is great, but Gervais is EXCELLENT. You can use a whole list of things to insult the UK one, (frankly, many of the episodes of the US one are funnier) but you can’t use the English language or British accent as one of them. Football is football, not AMERICAN football. I speak on behalf of smart Americans when I say: STOP CHANGING THE WONDERFUL LANGUAGE OF ENGLAND. You may as well call what you speak “American”. Also, I use quotation marks because the country United States of America, MEANS the states that are united into a country into the continent of America. My grandfather is from Colombia and he doesn’t understand when people say they’re “American” because, to his knowledge, SO IS HE. So THERE, fatso. Look up what you speak everyday, “bookworm”. I hope I didn’t trash your close-minded “American” brain! Whew!
Lala says
True dat.
LALA says
Did you just say, that Three’s Company COMPARES to Fawlty Towers. YOU IDIOT! How the hell did they let you even post this comment. How aren’t you crying in your twin size bed that fits every single fan in the world (a.k.a. just YOU) that thinks Fawlty Towers is worse. You should be ashamed of your low-class education.
LALA says
Okay, ass-face. The Office is a British series that people are still heavily debating about which means it is still remembered. And the producers didn’t even have to make 6 seasons more to prove that. Take Fawlty Towers. 12 episodes and still in the top 10 best ever tv shows of all time. And it was made decades ago! Maybe The Office UK isn’t as good, but it comes with the same idea. If it was so bad (and now I’m speaking to everyone from the US out there) the WHY THE HELL WOULD SO MANY COUNTRIES MAKE A REMAKE OF IT? BECAUSE THEY WANT TO KEEP IT ALIVE, WHICH IS SOMETHING THAT THE US VERSION WASN’T ABLE TO DO! And, Mr. Nard Miss, the British obviously do know what pwned is, cuz THEY JUST DID! HOLLAA!!!
LALA says
Apart from the secondary characters and fewer awkward moment (which is frankly one thing I DON’T like about the Brit one) the only thing I prefer is the theme song.
Matt Forrester says
Sam, of all of the quotes that you could rip out from the (far superior – and I’m an Aussie) UK version of The Office, you had to choose my ALL-TIME favourite quote from any show, EVER!!! And it wasn’t just the ridiculously hilarious thoughts of Gareth Keenan in this scene that made it so brilliant but also the awesome deadpan/creepy delivery of Mackenzie Crook when he says it!! Great choice, dude (hope you’re a boy Sam after calling you dude!)…
Sam says
The British show is a lot more subtle than the American version and, let’s face it, Americans don’t really like subtle… They like big ‘smack you round the face’ stuff instead – just look at the food a lot of you guys eat, the cars a lot of you drive, and the films they make in Hollywood; then compare them to anything on this side of the Atlantic.
It doesn’t mean they’re idiots and it doesn’t mean the American version of The Office is better than the British one – They’re both good in different ways.
That said, I prefer the British version because it was a genuinely groundbreaking show that paved the way for a lot of other great comedies (including its US version).
Dude says
is this still going on???? seriosly???
Walter Tibbs says
Ricky Gervais is co-creator and executive producer of the American version. He doesn’t have to want a piece, he owns it.
Jake says
1: If English is your first language, and you can’t understand ENGLISH people speaking it, you’re a moron.
2: If you disregard a comedy because it doesn’t leave you all warm and fuzzy inside, you’re a moron.
3: If you consider a mark of a show’s quality is how long it has gone on (and on and on ) for, you’re a moron.
4: If you can watch David Brent’s dance/motivational speech/Princess Diana song/welcome to Slough speech etc etc ad infinitum without soiling yourself with laughter. you’re a (dead inside) moron!
Ashley says
I have to say… it might be because I’m American and I don’t get all the British humor of a British tv show, but I think that the American version wins hands down. I’ve seen both pilots and they are both very very similar. On purpose. The American show was supposed to be just like the British version, but in America. It’s no wonder that Ricky Gervais is an executive producer of the American version.
As for Jim and Pam — their romance never gets old. Never. And every moment they weren’t together just made the suspense grow. Just sayin’…
Andrew says
That’s what she said…is that seriously what golden age American comedy has come down to ? I have heard that line years before it was ever mentioned in aired television and it was hardly remotely funny then. The characters in the U.S version of The Office are bland, boring and predictable. The U.S version is simply a sloppy redo generic American comedy just like any other.
The original version is a timeless classic that will stand the test of time.
Brian says
Couldn’t agree more. Perfectly said.
Drew says
I actually fell asleep watching an epsiode of the UK Office, maybe it was because it was on late or maybe it was so boring that it lost my interest. I don’t find Ricky Gervais, funny at all. He just come across as a cynical asshole, who’s so full of himself that it’s absurd. I think the U.S. Office has an outstanding cast, enetertaining storylines, humerous jokes and great team of writers. If you want to pick a truely great british comedy that does British style humor justice, I would give it to The Black Adder.
jerbear says
I’m American, raised on American sitcoms, and I think the British version is a MILLION TIMES BETTER! But don’t get me wrong, I think the American one is excellent, and consistently one of the best shows on American TV.
I think the brevity of the British version is what makes it great. 14 episodes, and done! The American one, with 23 episodes a season, 8 seasons now?…it’s just too much sometimes (although each ep always seems to make me laugh out loud). I guess I just think the British one has more heart and soul because it was so short (though they both have heart and soul). David Brent is a tragic figure. The Tim and Dawn story is heart-breaking. I’ve read a lot of the above comments. I think if the pro-US viewers just kept watching the UK version, and not give up after one or two episodes (like I almost did), you will “get” it. David matures and redeems himself in the end, and Tim and Dawn finally get together in one of the most romantic ways I’ve ever seen on TV or movies (and a million times more romantic than the Jim and Pam story).
I think both bosses are awesome, and I love both Gareth and Dwight. But I do think the Tim and Dawn love story is better than Jim and Pam. But again, it’s because it was dragged on and on, and got boring. I like both Jim and Pam as characters, but it just DRAGGED…”brevity is the soul of wit.” -William Shakespeare.
Another thing that bothered me about the American version is that the characters don’t seem to act as if they’re on a reality show that will be broadcasted later on like, TLC, or Bravo, or KPBS or whatever. Whenever Dwight says “and no one will ever know it was me who did it!”, I always think “yes they will, when they watch the rebroadcast dude!!!” Ugh, that annoys me. In the UK version, they always seemed to be aware that they are being taped, and that they often acknowledged that episodes will be (and in the holiday special were already) aired.
But I will admit, as some of you have said, it was hard for me, as an American, to get all the different accents. And I don’t think that makes me dumb. Seriously, I still don’t get have the shit Finchy said! And also, they reference a lot of old British sitcoms and British celebs that we couldn’t possibly get. But I was able to look past that. I got the gist of it. (Fawlty Towers is awesome, btw…)
The US version should be commended for staying funny and fresh for so long, but the British version has stolen my heart (man, that’s cheesy). But lastly, if it wasn’t for the British version, there would be no American version. Or French version. Or French-Canadian version. Or Chilean version. Or German version. Or Swedish version.
Wait a minute, shouldn’t the fact that so many countries made their own versions based on the UK version tell you that the UK version is AMAZING and it’s maybe that you’re just not getting it?
me says
The whole point of the show is that it is based in an office and is supposed to show what kind of awkward and funny things happen in an office. I don’t come from England or America, but as an unbiased opinion, the UK version wins hands down. The American version has just went on too long. The UK version was only 2 seasons so the plots and characters didn’t become boring, unlike the American version. Also, the US version doesn’t even seem like it’s in an actual office being filmed for a reality show. They never seem to realise they’re going to be on TV or have been on TV and some of the things they do you wouldn’t really be able to do in an office. IMHO both accents are equally annoying but you get used to them, although I don’t find any of them difficult to understand.
me says
Finally, someone who knows what they’re talking about!
up yours says
hey I bet this was some british fuck doing this review its cool to have country pride but just remember the AMERICAN REVOLUTION…… america!!!!! so quit being byes you uk fuck ….the office america wins this thats why it lasted 8 seasons …. suck that…you BOSTON TEA PARTY FUCK
E says
ok so you’re an idiot. the uk version ended after two seasons because unlike most americans, the British believe that everything must end at an appropriate time. all the best shows have had shorter runs with fewer episodes ( the inbetweeners, the thick of it, keeping up appearances, blackadder to name a few), than most american Tv ( smallville, 24, dexter, desperate housewives to name a few ). 24 1 hour episodes over 6-10 seasons is ridiculous. keep it short, sweet and to the point!!!! americans love to milk the life out of an idea …
Sam says
Gervais choose to end it, idiot.
Rob says
You seem to have quite a few anger issues there pal. It’s funny to see how tough certain people act when they have the internet to hide behind. I wonder if you would be that gobby if you met the authors in person. I wager not.
tim says
Since watching the UK Office 6 years ago it still remains my number one comedy.
I’ve just started watching the US version, into season 3 at the moment, and I think it’s superb.
Naturally we’ll want to compare the two series, but really they are very different beasts, so focusing on specific comparisons is a useless exercise.
The thing that puts the UK Office on such a high pedestal is that it was the ultimate combination of humour and drama.
The US Office does not tug on your heart-strings in the same way, but it has so many other positive traits.
I think the characters are excellent in both regards.
I’m sure the US Office will lose traction as the seasons progress, and that’s just the sad reality when a TV show is forceably strung out for so long.
uk office blows says
the uk office sucks. plan and simple. its awkward in the most un-funny way imaginable. not to mention its so drab and dull it looks like it was shot in the ’90s. a horrible bland and uninteresting cast as well. truly awful. basically, its ALMOST as bad as this article, and website.
up yours says
yea Rob i bet the author is such a badass! lol
uk office blows says
awww haha why erase my post, pussy? cuz im rite, thats why. learn to write an interesting article for this crap website and grow a pair, you bitch.
Tye. S says
The American idiots saying that the british people on here are biased need to check a fucking dictionary and stop being douchebag hypocrites. Just because you have a computer inbetween you and the guy you’re beaking dosen’t give you the reason to fucking talk shit about his opinion. Grow a pair and fucking get a life that isn’t being a little bitch thinking you’re all cool on the internet. Both the shows are good and from past shows and movies i have seen. British television is waaaaay better ,alot funnier, and there is more imagination put into it! (Dr.Who FTW!) and i’m Canadien. So that makes me non biased.
G says
Did you just spell Canadian wrong? :P
Lindsay says
I enjoyed the UK Office as well as the US Office, but I believe it is because I am American I lean towards the US version. The UK Office had its funny moments of course, but I found the humor almost always sexually charged, which although I didn’t have a problem with it just wasn’t something I was very into. But that seems to be the case with many Americans who are not exposed to that on TV because of the incredible amount of censorship. I prefer Gervais’ boss over Carrell just because I really don’t like Michael, but in general I could do without both. And I disagree about Tim and Dawn being better. I remember being so completely put off by the last episode of the UK office because their story came to such an abrupt end, and although I know the US version is cliche too, it was just bad. I did think the scene with the present was cute though!
Objectively Moderate says
I have just seen the UK version and have been watching the US version for years. In my objective opinion, Seasons 2 and 3 of the US version are funnier than the UK version but the rest of the series doesn’t measure up. The UK version is more realistic and understated which I like in a comedy. You form a stronger bond with the US characters (especially the love story Pam/Jim vs Dawn/Tim). If I had to pick episodes to watch on a deserted island (with power and a dvd player), I would pick the US (seasons 2 or 3).
stephanie says
I think that when something is really stupid or falls into the arena of “big” comedy that most people will laugh out loud at it, whereas when something is more subtle and more witty it garners more of a chuckle. Just because you don’t experience a giant laugh doesnt mean its less funny. The office us makes jokes that i laugh at because of their sheer stupidity while the office uk makes jokes that pop into my head at random times for weeks because they are truly funny. The us version simply lacks all of the subtlety of the uk version. The uk version contains characters that you recognize from your own life while i find that the us contains horrible parodies of the original characters. Garreth/tim trumps Dwight/jim because (once again) one
of the relationships actually mimics the behavior of real human beings.
your bias to call out someone else’s makes you a complete twat. The
shep says
Ricky Gervais is a naturally funny guy, similar to Mr John Cleese; they both have an ability to understate the role, something foreign to the American psychii which needs the funny parts overstated, and then again, just in case. There is no comparison. Ricky makes one squirm, and then some; Carrell just tries to act the role. no funny, no squirm, simple idiocy. Why the hell did they try to copy it anyhow? Everybody this side of Mars knows the Poms are funny, most times without trying too hard (read into that what you will), our tv here is overloaded with boring meaningless American sit-coms, bar Taxi/Cheers/and possibly, Mash except they keep and keep running it.
Chris2 says
I’ve seen a lot of the US Office and UK Office, they’re both great, The US Office is uplifting and silly, there’s also plenty of episodes so you can watch joke after joke. However, The UK Office is comedy gold, it’s perfectly written and finished with the perfect amount of episodes and for me, the UK Office has much better actors and storyline, the side romance story between Tim and Dawn is more realistic than Jim and Pam, like everything else in the series. The US Office is funny drivel that has lost an ongoing story and is more like a sit com.
US Office 7/10
UK Office 9.5/10
Jack says
Right Alison, I think I should just start by saying that this comment is totally and completely retarded. Also the American version of the office is way, way shitter… mostly because of the fact that it is just too American, and that’s never good. It’s classic American to think that someone’s relationship is more meaningful because they are ‘prettier’. Americans think they’re a good looking nation but the truth is that it’s only because that’s the way they’re portrayed in the media. The real truth is much more…. obese. UK clearly make better TV because why else would America copy EVERYTHING we do? The only things you don’t copy are things that are horrifically bad like two and a half men, 2 broke girls, new girl, rules of engagement, everybody loves raymond… the list goes on. Awesome things that america have copied and made shit include: the office, the inbetweeners, top gear, the IT crowd, Fawlty towers, life on mars, skins, spaced and trigger happy tv! Anyway, rant over.
Jared says
The point of the UK version was that it was presented as a documentary. It is very subtle and really only makes sense for when it was released. To have actually seen it at the time it was a documentary about a very bad manager.
British humour is much different from American, the two can’t really be compared.
eric says
That wasn’t the end. The end is a Christmas special.
Brentism says
Learn English then, It’s not our fault you having problems with understanding the most simplest of phrases and words. Plus I’d say our ‘version’ of English is more descriptive, witty and instant. Well after all the language does come from England, something that Americans pinched, ohhhh yea,, pretty much like something else as well!!
Vytautas says
And then we have Sopranos, Lost, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, Game of Thrones etc. I thing these are not that “horrifically bad”? (well, my english is, sorry for that)
A Realist says
Right, because you folk don’t have fat fucks where YOU live. Get off the stereotypes, and try something new.
Loukman Ali says
am Ugandan,and English is not my first language but i think the UK version is the best . its so realistic its more than acting , its not the first time this is happening i tried watching the remake of “death at the funeral” the US version and it was rubbish , i think American movies producers try so hard and end up losing the plot
Thomas says
US Office – 1
UK Office – 0
USA wins U.k BLows says
The uk version sucks so hard it makes me want to commit suicide, like literally. The uk version is so bland and feels derrived of character and originality even though the us did rip it from u.k. The truth is the us took the u.k version and made it better SOOO MUCH BETTER..
Hitch says
Mind you Game of thrones’ actors are predominantly British (as well as several of the Walking Dead’s) . There are a few Irish, and about 1 american. ( I do love the books though). I can rattle off a few great British shows such as The Inbetweeners, The Hour, Broadchurch, Sherlock, and of course Peep Show.
April says
I’m Australian, and I have no trouble understanding American English or British English, nor do I know anyone who does.
Eat a dick UK says
The UK version of the office is the worst thing ever made. USA simply used the name (the only good part) and made it better, and more enjoyable to watch. Better writers, better actors, better characters, better comedy, better plot, BETTER.
UK-sucks a transvestite’s sack ALL DAY