Hey! Adults! Like watching children’s programmes filled with hideous, soul-sapping, nine million part harmonies, systematically destroying all those pop songs you love? Then, chances are, you like watching Glee and consider yourself to be a member of the corporate-designed clan of The Gleek.
Well, for people like us who like laughing at people like you, we’ve got some wonderful news! Glee is no longer going to be on your television.
That’s right, Glee won’t be shown on E4 after parent company Channel 4 decided to walk away from negotiations for the forthcoming series, leaving the show to Do A Richard & Judy. That basically means that it’ll slope off toward the blank chequebook of Sky, watched on television by a scant handful of people, leaving those who can really be bothered to stream it illegally online. Essentially, the show is about to die, which is brilliant news.
Sky have apparently offered more than double the amount Channel 4 coughed-up for the first two seasons, which means that, if you don’t want/can’t afford a Sky subscription, you can kiss Glee’s candy-arse goodbye and mourn the days when you’d sit before your television, agog, while pneumatic Americans destroyed entire back-catalogues of music in one felled swoop.
But Jane Lynch is pretty cool.
Of course, Channel 4 are trying to put a positive spin on it all, noting that Glee’s greed is the broadcaster’s gain. By not renewing the show, it will free up “huge amounts”, leaving them to focus on “home-grown programming, British talent and… continuing to discover and showcase what the US has to offer”.
So basically, that means throwing money at spectacularly unfunny humans like Kevin Bishop then.
Oh, let us not forget that Channel 4 has also secured the rights to the US version of Danish crime drama The Killing, which naturally, is the same target audience as the slack-jawed dimwits who like watching young men and women wearing vest-tops while being in the world’s uncoolest choir.
Gleeks – it might be time to consider getting a life.
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