Britney Spears might as well give up making music right now. What’s the point? Singing and dancing are already becoming secondary pursuits of Britney’s main love – offending everyone in the universe.
Just days after Britney somehow decided that appearing on Will & Grace as a maniac right-wing Christian chef wouldn’t piss off all of God-fearing Middle America, she’s at it again. This time, Britney Spears has been photographed driving around with baby Sean Preston sitting on her lap. Maybe he was explaining to her what all the pedals do…
Britney Spears (CDs) seems to know the value of a good dose of controversy. If she’s not pulling expensive charity prizes from auctions at the last minute, she’s denying being involved in "disgusting" sex tapes. For most people, making a bunch of Christians furious
would probably be enough controversy for one week, but not Britney
Spears. Because she’s been snapped driving in her car while holding her
baby Sean Preston Federline on her lap. In a stupendously dangerous way.
And the US media has gone right for Britney’s jugular. Driving with
a baby on you lap isn’t just dumb, it’s illegal. And, as far as doing
ridiculous things with babies goes, it’s right up there with dangling a
youngster from a hotel balcony. But it’s OK, Britney says, because it
wasn’t her fault at all – it was those bastards the paparazzi. In a
statement, Britney explained:
"I had a horrifying, frightful
encounter with the paparazzi while I was with my baby. Because of a
recent incident when I was trapped in my car without my
baby by a throng of paparazzi, I was terrified that this time the
physically aggressive paparazzi would put both me and my baby in
danger.I instinctively took measures to get my baby and me out of
way, but the paparazzi continued to stalk us, and took photos of us
which were sold to the media. I love my child and would do anything to
protect him."
Picture agency X17, on the other hand, disagrees with Britney, claiming:
pictures were taken in a very peaceful context, in which photographers
exhibited no aggressive behaviour. We believe that the pictures speak
for themselves."
Oh, who to believe? Either way, in a crash it’s fair to say that a baby sitting on the lap of a driver would most likely be ripped from the arms of the driver and hurled at force into the windscreen or dashboard.
All this bother has kind of put a dent into Britney’s plans for the finale of her big comeback concerts – firing Sean Preston out of a cannon, through a tunnel of fire, over a cage of hungry lions and into a piranha-filled paddling pool.
Read more:
[story by Stuart Heritage]
Larry says
Before the child hit steering wheel or the windshield, he would probably be decapitated by the air bag.
Britney needs to have her head examinated, or not.
w.y. says
I like Britney’s song very much, hope her not to drop her singing profession at all.
Anon says
It seems impossible, but it appears that Brittany Spears is getting more stupid by the minute.
Gary says
Britney should go back to Dogpatch where she belongs.
Teri says
Britney Spears is not above the law. I believe her when she says it was a mistake, but mistake or no mistake, Britney needs to be held accountable just as anyone else would. Not only should she be held accountable she should consider doing community service working with critically injured children at our hospitals. I think if Britney were brought back down to earth and shown the ramifications of just a stupid mistake she would put the welfare of her child above her own. Is your child’s life worth more than any picture?
Paula says
It was very wrong what she did and should be fined. She put the baby’s life at risk. The way people drive today there could be anyone just around the corner to hit her. People drive like theirs no tomorrow. We have laws and she broke it. If the Paparazzi was following her she could have still put the baby in the back seat and took off. Her bodyguard was right next to her why didn’t she give the baby to him to hold at least. She could have dropped the baby off in the car seat and go to the police or when safe drop a law suit…the paparazzi is getting ridiculous now. We don’t need to see a picture that badly. My dad died from a car accident from someone ramming a red light. What a people so in a rush for especially just going home. Listen to music for pete’s sake and enjoy your ride. That doesn’t mean drive like slowpoke just don’t be a maniak.
Joe says
This is actually a good thing. An accident while holding her child this way would help keep her genes out of the shallow end of the pool right now, where they currently reside. Ironically, this is where most right-wing Christian’s genes are hanging out too… no wonder they’re upset with her, she’s peeing in the part of the pool that they normally have exclusive rights to.
John Sullivan says
Stupid – Yes – But shouldn’t there be some sort of protection for any/all stars from being harrassed and stalked…???
I agree – what she did was dumb and Unsafe – No doubt about it – But is it less unsafe to be confronted by 15 to 20 people who get in your way blind you with flashes from their cameras etc when you are simply trying to walk (while carrying a baby) into a store to do some personal business.
I have witnessed the type of behavior the paparazzi subscribe to first hand and I have to tell you – if any one who wasn’t toting a camera and a media card grouped up on a regular guy or gal in this manner it would be deamed an assult, and in several states the person being assulted would have every right to protect themselves (including the use of a firearm)
I think you all need a reality check and if she truly felt in danger – then getting 1 to 2 miles down the road with a baby on your lap is not a crime – it is a duty.
I would venture to bet that every last one of you wouldn’t hesitate to drive away from a dangerous situation without having your child strapped in – and if you want to tell me that isn’t true – then I pray you are never really in a dangerous situation.
Andy says
So what is she saying?..that basically the bodyguard’s job is to get coffee and not defuse the physically aggressive paparazzi now? Or is the bodyguard’s job to chat on the phone in the passenger seat and not worry about the paparazzi or the baby on the driver’s lap…
kgb says
I still remember when I was a kid (Gen-X). Nobody used child seats, kids rode bikes WITHOUT HELMETS (ohmygod!), firecrackers would sometimes burn(but somehow were not “deadly”) and we even got to play with the occasional bottle rocket.
News Flash: The vast majority of my generation survived unscathed.
Why is the current generation so damn fragile and incompetent? It’s probably that today’s leaders suck.
Get a freakin grip. The problem is not Ms. Spears’ chosing the lesser of two evils (in her mind) for her family! The problem is everyone who thinks they have the right to judge other parents and oversee the raising of their children.
If each of you had spent the time invested in judging Britney Spears instead paying atention to your own children, America would be a much better place … and your own children would be better cared for.
How’s this: RAISE YOUR OWN DAMN KIDS and leave everyone else alone.
John says
Hmmmm… What can I do to ass up my life next……
Tom Reynolds says
Everyone is getting all whipped up over a silly event. Maybe what she did lacked a little common sense, but so is trying to cross a busy street with a baby in a stroller,or taking your child to a busy mall where he could be kdnapped. This is just another example of how our government wants to control every moment of our lives. Next they will want cams in our bathrooms to see if our toilets use more than the prescribed 1.6 gallons. I hope she uses some of her money to fight this nonsense.
YakYak says
OK, so she made a big mistake. She did. But if they let The Masked Crotch Grabber off after dangling his child by an armpit and sheer luck into thin air over a balcony, then why the hell should Britney swing? I mean, who among us hasn’t screwed up? Really. I’m sure Britney’s learned from this (and probably deeply regrets it…when was the last time one of your screwups was flashed around the world?). I strongly suspect her life really sucks right now–I mean, the whole scungy K-Fed thing is bad enough. Hopefully she’ll be much more careful of her baby in the future. We’ll see. Give her a break for now.
Andy says
kgb –
You clearly are living in a box where you blame everything on our leaders and don’t want to help anyone or set any sort of safty guideline for anything… umm hellooo… If any (not just Britney’s) child is put in a dangerous situation I would think it would be of everyone’s concern! Just turning your head doesn’t make it a non-issue. So where do you draw the line – what if Britney were beating her child, would it be of any else’s concern? Or should we all just turn our heads and raise our own kids…
Joe says
Well? She always has been a dumb cunt.
momofthree says
I think what Britney did was crazy, BUT lets face it if she wasn’t Britney Spears this would not be in news. I’m not saying she was right but let’s give her a break. Who if anyone knows what the Paparazzi is doing to her,and shes trying to keep her child out of harms way. Where are the police to protect and server not just give fines. Stop taking pictures and do something about this problem before someone gets killed. “Great a clue” what happened with Priness Dianna.
Paparazzi they are a problem in the lives of alot of people.When are we the people going to make this stop.
Is this a news story,and it is. I just cant believe in this day and time that people realy care,and that Britnay was just doing what she thought as a parent was to keep her child safe. WHO is to tell her she is wrong. We dont live her life and I think the new and the police should just focus on all the children out there being beaten and killed by their parents. Lets all focus on that problem instead. What a time we live in if all we care about is seeing the famous on T.V.and in the news doing something wrong or what they might think is right. If all didn’t focus on these issues the paparazzi would leave people alone. We should all think before we act.
vitaminD says
Dear Britney,
Please dont drive. Have your bodyguard drive. Hire a driver while youre taking care of your little one. Hire a nanny who can drive. Find a Starbucks with a drive-thru. Order out for Starbucks and have it delivered. Buy a cappucino machine and have someone else make you a tasty latte. Do something other than trying to do everything yourself. Lots and lots of celebrities — and even just regular people — need help and get help when theyre raising a little one, especially if they have a busy career.
cheers and lotsa love,
Jones says
What were the paparazzi going to do mug her? I don’t think so. She put her child more at risk in the first 10 seconds of (her)driving than
snapping a pic would. Blaming the papparazzi? jeez. I could easily put a baby in a car seat with 30000 people snapping my picture as long as they wern’t grabbing me or getting in the way. She’ll skate anyway.
I wish i had the trouble of being so famous to have people want to take my picture.
Sparky says
“Just days after Britney somehow decided that appearing on Will & Grace as a maniac right-wing Christian chef wouldn’t piss off all of God-fearing Middle America, she’s at it again.”
Oh My Stuart Heritage,
Are you one of those “right wing christians”??? You seem to have forgotten that the story about the Will and Grace episode was said to be false by the producers of the show.
I agree with the rest of the article though, one should never be so stupid with thier child, Just get your facts straight about the stupid television episode.
Anonymous says
This is pathetic. Britney, you fail for showing concern towards your children. Should have aborted when you had the chance. Le sigh…
Karen says
look at kevins myspace page.
Happy says
Andy at 8 Feb 2006 17:32:08
I don’t think kgb, or anyone else condones beating children.
That being said, yes, turn your head around and pay attention to your own kids. If you don’t have any, make some before making knee jerk comments about how other parents should react in a situation where they believe their child might be in danger.
Britney, fearing danger, puts a child in her lap and probably drives around the corner to put her in the car seat. Big effin deal! Why is this even news?
flo says
Who’s Britney Spears?
Billy says
Do u all believe what you see in these crap photos? Were u there and did u see it with your own eyes? Wake up you bunch of lemmings.
TellItLikeItIs says
You all clicked on same link I did so why you griping about doing the same news reading we are. She is paying the price for fame + doing dumb stuff. So she gets pictures took of her when she’s out on the town, big deal! She didn’t care when it was her on the red carpet or at an award show cause she was gettin paid. Celebs get mad when they don’t make $$$ off pics. Bottom line. She wants fame to be like a light switch. Who would you rather be, George Clooney or Tom Cruise? Out of the lime light or smack in the middle doin stupid stuff? If she would have put her kid in a car seat, would she be in the news? Thus putting her in the “not so dumb” bracket and maybe just maybe gettin rid of few of the cameras everytime she went out in public. Why do you think other celebs aren’t in the news so much? No story, no pictures on the internet. It’s like addition and subtraction for those of you that graduated elementary school.
V says
I can’t believe these dumbass britney fans defending her. She
should have social servies comes in
she ain’t fit to be a parent. She
is a stupid bitch.
dsad says
brittany spears should be sentenced to walk nude with a dildo up her pussy in public
Kennedy says
She’s as dumb as a democrat
studmuffin says
This downward spiral will continue until after the money is gone and the divorce. Then there will be a mia culpia, and a comeback tour.
Probably the idiots that are her fans will buy it. God bless America.
E Spears says
Britney who? She’s just a flash in the pan…
Z says
Just a white trash ho. When will she go away and when will we stop having to hear about her sorry as excuse for an existance?
Summer says
If she was supposedly concerned about paparrazzi, why is her window down? Wouldnt you want to wind the window up because usually theyre all fairly heavily tinted making it harder to see anything.
Was she actually even driving ? She was probably sitting there waiting for the guy to get off the phone. There could be other photos around, but the one Ive seen is the one with trees in the background. I find it difficult to believe she would really do that, and that the dude next to her would allow it.
Why didnt he drive ? Britney could have been in the back strapping her son in. Makes no sense, leave the girl be for christ sake,
Jeff says
Does she work for the Bush administration or something? She’s almost stupid enough to be offered a job there.
denise says
Obviously she is not too bright, or she wouldn’t be 20 something with a baby and a deadbeat husband – so who can comment on her driving. Take out your aggressions on ol’ Brit like I do at – that place cracks be up and they even have one of her prego pics to play with.
big guy says
There is absolutly no excuse for what this no talent REJECT, has done!!! I feel that she should be prosocuted to the fullest extent of the law. Question: If a man was photographed murdering someone and it was sent to the police , according to the police there would be nothing they could do because “we aren’t even sure it’s in our juristiction” or that “it wasn’t seen directly by one of our deputies”. SO go ahead commit crimes, BREAK THE LAW, take pictures of it and walk away with a “it is what it is”. THIS IS BULLS#$T!!!!!!!